Personal site: ElliotPolsky.com | Resource page: ThomisticMetaphysics.com
Welcome to my site.
I am an instructor in philosophy at St. John Vianney Theological Seminary (Denver, CO) and a PhD candidate at the Center for Thomistic Studies at the University of St. Thomas (Houston, TX), working in the area of medieval metaphysics and philosophy of language.
My dissertation concerns the sources for and meaning of St. Thomas Aquinas's claims about the accidentality and essentiality of being (esse). It critically evaluates the longstanding view that this claim comes primarily from St. Thomas's appropriation of Avicenna's metaphysics by way of William of Auvergne and argues that greater weight be given to the influence of Boethius, Averroes, and medieval grammarians and logicians, among others.
I have published in the American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, Nova et Vetera, Studia Gilsoniana, among other journals in the areas of metaphysics, logic, systematic theology, and natural philosophy. For a complete list of my published work, see my CV.
Contact info:
For students: Please use the @stthom.edu email available on Blackboard and on the Student Resource Page.
For non-students: Feel free to message me on my Academia.edu.
Instructor | St. John Vianney Theological Seminary
PhD Candidate | Center for Thomistic Studies